Turanabol 20


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Model: 719
Package: 20mg (100 pills)
Substance: Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)
Availability, : In Stock



Common names in USA Turanaxyl, Turanabol, Turanabol 10MG, Turanabolic, LIXUS T-Bol, Turanaplex, Veyron Pharma T.B 0.10, Turinadex, Tubol 10. Description of the drug White round pastes with a compact and homogeneous structure. Turanabol Ingredients 1 tablet contains: Active substance: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone 20 mg Benefits of bodybuilding A compound with predominant anabolic effects and relatively low androgenic action that offers great results in muscle building. The drug is a chlor-substituted version of methandrostenolone, it does not retain water and cannot be aromatized. With this drug, the mass building action is slow and can take several weeks. Therapeutic indication It treats disorders of protein synthesis, cachexia, trauma, extensive burns after irradiation of infectious diseases, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, negative nitrogen balance, corticosteroid therapy, various cases of anemia , lymphomas and leukemia and muscle atrophy. Dosage (Men) 40 – 60mg per day. Dosage (Women) 10mg per day. Active life 16 hours. Turanabol Side Effects May cause neurological disorders such as excitement, insomnia, depression and confusion, as well as reduced glucose tolerance and increased low density lipoprotein levels. Other side effects: hot flashes, occasional visual disturbances, blurred vision, flickering or blinking, poor liver function in men, and ovarian enlargement in women. Turanabol Contraindications / Precautionary measures in USA Not recommended for drug hypersensitivity, prostate cancer and adenoma, breast cancer in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia, severe atherosclerosis, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, liver and kidney function, acute prostatitis and chronic, pregnancy and lactation. In patients using high doses of anabolic steroids, periodic monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels is recommended. Overdose In USA there are no recorded cases of overdose. Turanabol Stack/Cycle The cycle should not exceed 6 weeks and the compound is usually stacked with Parabolan of Strombafort 50 each week, as well as strong anabolic steroids like Nandrolona D or Boldaxyl.It is very effective with Tren and Testosterone P treatment cutting cycles. Package overview 20mg pills. Storage Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.


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