N-Lone-D 100


Manufacturer : Maxtreme
Model: 529
Package: 10 vials (100mg/ml)
Ingredient: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Availability, : Out Of Stock


Common names in USA Decaplex, Durabolin, Duraxyl, Decos, Decatrex, Newdec, NPP, Deca-Duralin, Nandrolona, ​​Nandrolone, Nandronit D, Decabol, Pylodec, Nitrobol, Decaver, Gemdec, Decabolic, Nandroxyl, Deca-Durabolin, Growdeca, Nandrobolin, Deca , Zebol , Myobolin, Grodec, Synobol, Durobolic, Axidrol, Nandrodex, Therabol, Cheribol, Durabol. Description of the drug Transparent oily solution of light yellow or yellow color, containing a characteristic odor. Ingredients Deca 500 1 ml of solution contains: Active substance: Nandrolone Decanoate 500 mg Benefits of bodybuilding Injectable anabolic steroid with longer anabolic activity and lower androgenic effect. It has the ability to increase protein synthesis in muscle cells and helps achieve a positive nitrogen balance. The drug is used for muscle growth, appetite stimulation, increased red blood cell production and bone density. Therapeutic indication It is used in cases of renal anemia (increased hemoglobin and cell mass), diabetic retinopathy, miodistrofia, Werding-Hoffmann spinal muscular atrophy (adjuvant) breast cancer, glomerulonephritis, extensive burns, osteoporosis and may also act as a progestin-based contraceptive. Dosage (Men) 200-600mg per week Dosage (Women) 100mg per week Active life 15 days Deca 500 Side Effects All side effects that can occur when using Deca 500, are only possible at high doses. In most cases, it can be a headache, increased blood pressure, and decreased erectile function.After reducing the amount of medicine used, all side effects should disappear. Overdose In USA there are no recorded cases of overdose. Deca 500 Stack/Cycle Athletes use extended Deca 500 cycles, which vary in length from 2 to 2.5 months. The drug has a longer shelf life and getting good results is enough to put a shot once in seven days. The recommended weekly dose is between 200 and 500 mg. Exceeding this dose is not recommended, as the effectiveness of the cycle will not increase, but the risk of side effects will increase instead. It is best to hold a second cycle of Nandrolone with the recommended dose after a break. When using Deca 500 it is better to include Fertigyn in the cycle. For this reason, before buying Deca 500, take care of acquiring HCG. Women should not use this steroid. Package overview 10ml vial (500mg/ml) Storage Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children


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