MPN 150


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Model: 716
Package: 10 vials (150mg/ml)
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Availability, : In Stock


General information about NPP 150 in USANPP 150 injectable anabolic steroid contains nandrolone phenylpropionate and has strong anabolic and anabolic effects. The main difference between NPP and Nandrolone Decanoate products is the rate at which nandrolone is released in the human body. The main purpose of NPP 150 is to accelerate the effect of muscle mass growth. This steroid is frequently used in preparation for various competitions. Traces of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate can be found in human urine even one year after use.Characteristics NPP 150 in USANPP 150 aids in protein synthesis and allows protein to be stored in the muscle cell in greater amounts. The drug stimulates regeneration and it helps to maintain muscle mass during a diet. For a bulking effect NPP 150 by Dragon Pharma is usually stacked with testosterone and potent oral compounds like Oxymetholone or Methandrostenolone and for a cutting cycle NPP 150 is usually combined with like Stanozolol or Oxandrolone.CyclesA cycle of NPP 150 is between 8 and 16 weeks, but in rare cases it can be used even for a longer period.DosageAverage dosage: men – 300-600 mg, women 50-100 mg, injected every 2-3 days.The side effectsSide effects: typical virizilization effects for women and water retention, high blood pressure, elevated estrogen levels, oily skin, insomnia, diarrhea and nausea, in some cases gynecomastia and sexual dysfunction in men.


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