Danabol DS 10


Manufacturer : Body Research
Model: 651
Package: 10mg (500 pills)
Substance: Oral Methandienone (Dianabol)
Availability, : In Stock



Common names in USA Anabol, GP Methan, Danabol, Methanabol, Dbol, Methanodex, buy clenbuterol. Description of the drug Square shaped pink pills with flat top and bottom surface and bevelled edges containing a dividing line and 'BP' imprint on one side and number '10' inscription on the other for 10mg Danabaol, the side surface having rounded edges . Danabol 10 Ingredients 1 tablet contains: Active substance: Metandienone 10 mg Auxiliary substances: Magnesium stearate, FD & C red dye no. 40, Ludipress (Lactose, Povidone, Crospovidone) Benefits of bodybuilding Has a strong anabolic and androgenic action, provides a rapid increase in muscle weight, due to the activation of protein synthesis, has the ability to strengthen bones and possesses a small fat-burning effect. Therapeutic indication Treats protein synthesis disorders, various symptoms of cachexia, is used in the treatment of trauma, burns, as a pre- and post-operative remedy after infectious diseases, renal failure, toxic goiter, dystrophy muscle, osteoporosis. Dosage (Men) 10-30mg per day Dosage (Women) Not recommended Active life 5-6 hours Danabol 10 Side Effects Increased liver values, fluid retention, acne vulgaris on the neck, chest, back or shoulders in cases where sebaceous gland function is stimulated, mood swings, behavior aggressive and strong virilizing effects such as aggravation of baldness, / Growth of facial hair. Danabol 10 Contraindications / Precautionary measures in USA Not recommended in case of drug hypersensitivity, prostate cancer, breast cancer in men, breast cancer in women with hypercalcemia, severe atherosclerosis, liver and kidney function, acute and chronic prostatitis, pregnancy and lactation . At the first signs of virilization (deepening of the voice, hirsutism, acne, clitoromegaly) the administration should be stopped to avoid irreversible changes. Systematic monitoring of lipidemia and cholesterol levels is recommended. Overdose In USA there are no recorded cases of overdose. Danabol 10 Stack/Cycle The duration of a cycle is 6-8 weeks. To increase muscle growth should be used with Nandrolona F and Testosterona E or Sustaxyl, to avoid gynecomastia – with inhibitors such as Proviroxyl, Anastrozole or Tamoximed Package overview 10mg pills. Storage Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.


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