

Manufacturer : Vermodje
Model: 904
Package: 50mg (50 pills)
Substance: Oxymetholone (Anadrol)
Availability, : Out Of Stock



General information about Androver in USAAndover – is a potent anabolic steroid which has very high anabolic activity, and reduced androgens. It allows the athlete to quickly build up to 10-15 kg of lean muscle mass due of course to increased power and endurance rates. Also anabolic effect has a beneficial effect on the joints, which eliminates pain, activates the blood, in particular the synthesis of hemoglobin, and erythropoietin. anabolic activity stimulates protein synthesis.What is Andover: history and todayThe active ingredient of the drug oxymetholone was developed in the 1960s for the treatment of anemia and osteoporosis, for people suffering from disorders of anabolic processes in cells. Scientific studies have highlighted, and its activity in the treatment of HIV. The high anabolic properties of this drug in bodybuilding quickly found application, and it is widespread among weightlifters and bodybuilders, as well as various types of athletics. Now the pharmacy Andover 50 / mg tab, of course, can not buy, and the manual does not describe its application in medicine, so athletes need to pass the information on how to receive the drug, 'word of mouth' . Hence, such a common legend about the dangers of steroids, with the reality of having little in common.Features Androver in USAThe molecule of the active substance is an unusual dihydrotestosterone modification. Aromatization is almost completely absent, but some estrogenic activity is still observed.Some side effects and estrogenic effects associated with this means in that it has the ability to activate estrogen receptors in the cell. At the same time, it has progestogenic activity by acting on the respective receptors. By anabolic activity Androver pills – the best drug, and no analogues to it can not be compared. In just the first two weeks of course preparation gives 5-7 kg weight gain, although quite watery. The full course of drugs is able to give the athlete weight 10-15 kg, subject to training mode and a sports diet. Also dramatically improve joint health, increase endurance and strength performance.The side effectsSide effects of Andover Vermodzhe subject to reasonable doses are low. The main limitation of the drug is its toxicity to the liver, the course requires constant monitoring of liver function. The rest of the side effects common to most anabolic steroids: increased blood pressure, water retention, nausea, decreased testosterone production. Can gynecomastia because of the aroma, but it is easily prevented anti-estrogens on the course.


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